Sent from Yahoo Mail for iPhone
Begin forwarded message:
On Sunday, October 27,=
2024, 9:06 PM, Nicole Giudice <> wrote:
Hi Mark=E2=80=A6 Please post the following=E2=80=A6=E2=80=A6 get well wishe=
s to Jeremy Shiman and family as their son Kais was involved in a=
car accident. We wish him a speedy recovery. Also, get well wishes to=
Ann Wurzbacher and family as their daughter Mary Rose was also involved in=
a car accident. The Groton Sportsman Club members wish her a speedy recove=
ry as well. Get well wishes to Gary Giordano who was injured in a crossbow =
incident. A speedy recovery to Gary from all the members. Get well wis=
hes to Jeff Pollard who is recovering from surgery. We wish him all the bes=
t. Lastly, Linda Hamilton has passed away. She was our former ten=
ant and caretaker at our sister property in Voluntown. Our deepest sym=
pathy goes out to Linda=E2=80=99s family. =F0=9F=99=8F
s to Jeremy Shiman and family as their son Kais was involved in a=
car accident. We wish him a speedy recovery. Also, get well wishes to=
Ann Wurzbacher and family as their daughter Mary Rose was also involved in=
a car accident. The Groton Sportsman Club members wish her a speedy recove=
ry as well. Get well wishes to Gary Giordano who was injured in a crossbow =
incident. A speedy recovery to Gary from all the members. Get well wis=
hes to Jeff Pollard who is recovering from surgery. We wish him all the bes=
t. Lastly, Linda Hamilton has passed away. She was our former ten=
ant and caretaker at our sister property in Voluntown. Our deepest sym=
pathy goes out to Linda=E2=80=99s family. =F0=9F=99=8F
Richard Giudi=
ce, Sunshine Committee Chairman =E2=98=80=EF=B8=8F
Sent from Ya=
hoo Mail for iPhone
hoo Mail for iPhone